procedure qsort(l,r:longint);var i,j,t,m:longint;begin i:=l; j:=r; m:=a[(i+j) div 2]; repeatwhile a[i]j; if i l then qsort(l,j); end;
procedure insert(x:longint);var t,s,v:longint;begin len:=len+1; f[len]:=x; s:=len; while (s<>1)and(f[s div 2]>f[s]) do begin v:=f[s div 2]; f[s div 2]:=f[s]; f[s]:=v; s:=s div 2; end;end;function get:longint;var t,s,v:longint;begin get:=f[1]; f[1]:=f[len]; len:=len-1; t:=1; while (t*2<=len)or(t*2+1<=len) do begin if (t*2+1>len)or(f[t*2]f[s] then begin v:=f[t]; f[t]:=f[s]; f[s]:=v; t:=s; end else break; end;end;
function phi(x:longint):longint;var ans,i:longint;begin ans:=x; for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(x)) do begin if x mod i=0 then ans:=ans div i*(i-1); while x mod i=0 do x:=x div i; end; if x<>1 then ans:=ans div x*(x-1); exit(ans);end;
procedure work;var i,j:longint;begin p:=0; for i:=0 to n do e[i]:=i; for i:=2 to n do if e[i]=i then begin j:=i; while j<=n do begin e[j]:=e[j] div i*(i-1); inc(j,i); end; end; for i:=1 to n do begin if e[i]=i-1 then begin inc(p); prime[p]:=i; end; end;end;
procedure work(n:longint);var i,j:longint;begin num:=0; for i:=1 to n do g[i]:=true; for i:=2 to n do if g[i]=true then begin inc(num); prime[num]:=i; j:=i*2; while j<=n do begin g[j]:=false; j:=j+i; end; end;end;
procedure fenjie(x:longint);var i,y:longint;begin t:=0;y:=x; for i:=1 to num do begin if prime[i]>y div 2 then exit; if x mod prime[i]=0 then begin inc(t); w[t]:=prime[i]; while x mod prime[i]=0 do x:=x div prime[i]; end; if x=1 then break; end;end;
function quick(x,n,p:qword):qword;var ans:qword;begin ans:=1; while n>0 do begin if n and 1>0 then ans:=cheng(ans,x,p); x:=cheng(x,x,p); n:=n>>1; end; exit(ans);end;
function cheng(x,n,p:qword):qword;var ans:qword;begin ans:=0; while n>0 do begin if n and 1>0 then ans:=(ans+x) mod p; x:=(x+x) mod p; n:=n>>1; end; exit(ans);end;
for i:=1 to n do if u[i]=0 then begin inc(t); f[t]:=i; end; repeat x:=f[t]; dec(t); inc(num); new(p); p:=a[x]; while p<>nil do begin y:=p^.data; dec(u[y]); if u[y]=0 then begin inc(t); f[t]:=y; end; p:=p^.next; end; until num=n;
思路:dfn为遍历到各点的时间,low表示每个点能够追溯到的最早的栈中节点的次序号 instack表示结点是否在栈中。
procedure tarjan(x:longint);var y:longint; p:point;begin inc(s); low[x]:=s; dfn[x]:=s; inc(t); q[t]:=x; instack[x]:=true; new(p); p:=a[x]; while p<>nil do begin y:=p^.x; if dfn[y]=0 then begin tarjan(y); low[x]:=min(low[x],low[y]); end else if instack[y]=true then low[x]:=min(low[x],dfn[y]); p:=p^.next; end; if dfn[x]=low[x] then begin inc(num); repeat y:=q[t]; dec(t); f[y]:=x;instack[y]:=false; until x=y; end;end;
for i:=1 to n do begin dfn[i]:=0; low[i]:=0; w[i]:=0; instack[i]:=false; end; s:=0; t:=0; num:=0; for i:=1 to n do if dfn[i]=0 then tarjan(i);
procedure dfs(x,e:longint);var p:point; y:longint;begin s1[x]:=x; s2[x]:=x; new(p); p:=a[x]; while p<>nil do begin y:=p^.x; if y=e then begin p:=p^.next; continue; end; dfs(y,x); if f1[y]+p^.v>f1[x] then begin f2[x]:=f1[x]; s2[x]:=s1[x]; f1[x]:=f1[y]+p^.v; s1[x]:=y; end else if f1[y]+p^.v>f2[x] then begin f2[x]:=f1[y]+p^.v; s2[x]:=y; end; p:=p^.next; end; if f1[x]+f2[x]>f1[max]+f2[max] then max:=x;end;
p[1]:=0; j:=0; for i:=2 to m do begin while (j>0)and(b[j+1]<>b[i]) do j:=p[j]; if b[j+1]=b[i] then inc(j); p[i]:=j; end; j:=0; kmp:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin while (j>0)and(b[j+1]<>a[i]) do j:=p[j]; if b[j+1]=a[i] then inc(j); if j=m then begin inc(kmp); j:=p[j]; end; end;
procedure work;var i,j:longint;begin for i:=0 to 19 do for j:=1 to n do f[i+1,j]:=f[i,f[i,j]];end;function lca(x,y:longint):longint;var i,t:longint;begin if deep[x]>i)and 1=1 then x:=f[i,x]; if x=y then exit(x); for i:=19 downto 0 do if f[i,x]<>f[i,y] then begin x:=f[i,x]; y:=f[i,y]; end; exit(f[0,x]);end;
function dfs(x,color:longint):boolean;var p:point; y:longint;begin new(p); p:=w[x]; g[x]:=color; while p<>nil do begin y:=p^.x; if g[y]=color then exit(false); if (g[y]=0)and(not dfs(y,-color)) then exit(false); p:=p^.next; end; exit(true);end;function cheak(s:longint):boolean;var i:longint;begin for i:=1 to n do g[i]:=0; for i:=1 to n do if g[i]=0 then if not dfs(i,1) then exit(false); exit(true);end;
procedure make;var i:longint;begin f[0]:=1; g[0]:=1; for i:=1 to n do begin f[i]:=(f[i-1]*i) mod num; g[i]:=g[i-1]*quick(i,num-2) mod num; end;end;function get(x,y:int64):int64;var i:longint; t:int64;begin if (x=0)or(y=0)or(x=y) then exit(1); exit(((f[x]*g[x-y]) mod num)*g[y] mod num);end;
ax≡1(mod m)
program asdf;var a,m,x,y,t:longint;function extgcd(a,b:longint;var x,y:longint):longint;var d:longint;begin if b<>0 then begin d:=extgcd(b,a mod b,y,x); y:=y-(a div b)*x; end else begin x:=1;y:=0; d:=a; end; exit(d);end;begin readln(a,m); x:=0; y:=0; t:=extgcd(a,m,x,y); writeln((x+m) mod m);end.